Independence, whether you're a country or a person, is a reason to celebrate. For a good portion of my career (in fact, the majority of it, until just recently) I've been independent. Yeah, I know, I've owned a couple of film companies and launched a boutique agency; but those are all independent ventures. I tell people that owning a company is a lot like freelancing, only the upkeep is way higher. But you're still an independent entity. Which means the rewards can be way higher, too.
Today, I'm going independent once again.
It's been in the works for awhile, but I couldn’t make it completely public until now. All is good, and in fact, I'll be doing some independent work for my now very recently former agency.
But…Independent what? Good question, with a lot of complex answers that boil down into one word: Content.
The more I write about, speak about, think about, and create stuff for the web, the more the focus pulls to content. Written content, still content, interactive and augmented content, yes. But mostly, content that moves. Video. Film. Animation. Motion. Whatever you choose to call it, whether it's content for television, the web, mobile, or for just about any other venue where one might find a screen doesn't matter, in some ways.
But in other ways, it matters a lot. And that's where I bring a lot to the party.
With a few hundred national spots under my director's belt, I know a little bit about production value. With my experience leading interactive creative for an agency that's a significant player in the digital space, I also know how things work differently on the web. Different again, on mobile. And no, it's not just that the budgets are different, though, they are. So is everything else; beginning with the fleeting, seeking, in-the-moment mindset of the person who chooses to watch what you make.
Content is what makes people want to give your brand a look; or a second look, or a third. It's what drives the experience, regardless of where or how the experience takes place. And it's inseparable from the delivery mechanism now.
So you can call me a director, if you want. And, I hope you will call me to direct, as a couple of agencies and clients already have.
Or, you can call me to concept, strategize, or present; or all of the above. For a spot, for the web, for a phone, or some platform that hasn't been invented yet. Just know this: Knowing about the space makes a world of difference in how you approach the content, how it's delivered, and ultimately, how it's received. Since I know a lot about a lot of different spaces, that difference is what I plan to deliver.
Find my directing work, some old, some new, here.Find my other stuff here. A new site dedicated specifically to moving content is in the works, and will be live soon.
Back in 2004, I wrote a little free e-book about the changes I saw coming in the things agencies do, and the ways they do them. It might read as a little bit naive now, but remember that it was written a lifetime ago, at least in digital dog years. For the last four years, I think I've helped, a little at least, those changes to evolve. I know for sure I've helped agency folks, and clients, understand that change is the constant we all must embrace now. Once again, I'm embracing it, too.
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Advertising Marketing Creative Interactive YouTube Video Content Brunner Ernie Mosteller Online Video
Wow! I had no idea you'd leave Brunner - sorry to hear you're leaving, but congratulations on your new adventure and newfound independence! Looking forward to hearing more about your new venture!
Posted by: Ken yeung | May 25, 2010 at 12:19 PM
A Big Firecracker to you my friend!
Posted by: ron lane | May 25, 2010 at 04:52 PM